The human eye can only be in one place at a time, it takes its visible world with it as it walks
John Berger, Ways of seeing 'Episode 1', 1972
Welcome to Gewit-Hring
Andy Corrigan's Journal | Walk | Knowledge Circle

I wanted to try a new way of working. To create a space for myself to think. A space to try. A space to document.
I was always terrible at making notes, and I’ve come to realise that perhaps that is not a reason not to try … and perhaps, it might even be interesting …
Please take a look at the About page for further info about Gewit-Hring, or about Andy Corrigan. Or explore my thoughts and walks in my Journal.
So, why Gewit-Hring?
Circularity has begun to underpin many avenues of my enquiry and several lines of thought are taking shape around and from it.
Reflecting and routed in the significance of a mandala, in looking to my own future, I turned to the past and fumbled with some Old English with a mind to a journey, a ‘knowledge-circle’:
Gewit: Knowledge / Understanding / Sense / Wits even.
Hring: Circle / Cycle / Circuit / Ring perhaps.
Thoughts expressed here are my own, and will by the nature of this site, be constantly developing and changing. I welcome any comments or suggestions.
Please do get in touch: