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Driving rain and warmth in your heart
by Andy Corrigan

I was home. Alone. For the whole weekend…

An old friend shared a post on facebook advertising a concert they were performing in that weekend at Snape Maltings. Snape is wonderful and special place, I’ve been a few times, I’d last been there for a walk back in March 2023, but never to hear a performance. Although the beckoning of something to do that weekend, the lure of maybe catching up with an old friend and the temptation of an excuse to actually go and experience the famous concert hall were all reasons enough to go, the sound of the performance intrigued me.

My Beloved Man was first and foremost a celebration of love, more specifically that between Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears. Now, I’m not particularly soppy, but what grabbed my attention was the harmonious appeal of a story told through a sumptuous blend of the rereading of selected correspondence and a programme of choral music that itself was either by Britten, his friends and contemporaries, or indeed that was an inspiration to him.

You can find details of the music and further information about the creation of the event in the programme.

It wss raining so hard when I parked that I wasn’t sure wether to get out of the car. You can hear a recording of it hammering down below.