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Cork: UKIE DH Association Event 2024
by Andy Corrigan

1) There and back again

Image: Google Maps Timeline Screenshots: (top-left) 03/06/24 The journey from Cambridge to Cork, (top-right) 04/06/24 Conference Day 1: Traveling between my accommodation and University College Cork, (bottom-left) 05/06/24 Conference Day 2: A short trip to the pharmacy and shop for some supplies, (bottom-right) 06/06/24 A challenging day traveling back to Cambridge.

2) Cambridge -> Cork

Image: Four images capturing the journey from Cambridge to Cork. The top-left is a photo from the plane window as it taxi's to the runway, besides which there is green grass and a wind-sock blowing. The top-right image is a black and white photo taken from the plane window whilst flying over the River Severn. The Severn Bridge, the M4 Severn Crossing, and the centre line of the river as it meanders into the Bristol Channel have all been highlighted by overlaying thin white lines. The bottom-left image is a screenshot from Google Maps showing the location of the plane as it passes over the Pembrokeshire Coast in Wales and out over the sea towards Ireland. The bottom-right photo shows a view from the plane window of the first glimpse of green on the approach to the Emerald Isle.


A smelly note. [Insert photo of notebook?]

4) Architecture

Image: Nine small photos of different building facades around the city of Cork. 1) An Art Nouveau building constructed from red brick with green and white mosaic details and dark wooden fittings. 2) Cork City Central Library, a decorative carving of a ship between two towers - the Cork Coat of Arms. 3) Singers Corner, a garment alteration centre in a distinctive late-Georgian building that has been decorated with elaborate gold on black floral designs. 4) A side entrance to St Augustine's Roman Catholic Church. 5) A late Victorian terraced shop front with elaborate architectural details including marble columns on the ground floor and round headed windows on the upper floors. 6) A shopfront with Art Nouveau and Art Deco decorative elements. 7) A carriage arch between buildings that has green painted timber doors with elaborate decorative iron hinges, that leads to Elbow Lane. 8) An Art Deco shop with limestone details. 9) The Savoy, an Art Deco former cinema front decorated with blue and yellow glazed tiles.

5) Cultural

Image: A group of eight small photos of different cultural features around Cork, including details from the Crawford Art Gallery, Cork's urban sculpture trail and a view of UCC's Wildflower Meadow from the elevated position of the UCC Quadrangle.

  • Island City: Cork’s urban sculpture trail. - An interactive trail that integrates Cork’s heritage into the urban environment, including A face from Irish prehistory.
  • Jan McCullough’s Night Class at the Crawford Art Gallery - making alternative forms of labour and knowledge visible.
  • Crawford Art Gallery’s Building as Witness - an interactive project that explores the Crawford Art Gallery building as a witness of the Irish Civil War.
  • River Lee and UCC’s Wildflower Meadow - a demonstration of UCC’s biodiversity action plan.
  • Crawford Art Gallery’s Recasting Canova - re-energising a foundational gift that refreshes a demonstration of the transition of 3D knowledge prior to photography and digital technology.

6) The conference - University College Cork

Image: A group of seven photos taken at or around the conference venue at University College Cork. They include photos of the 3D printing facilities in Digital Scholarship Studio, located in the UCC Library, as well as display cabinets of some 3D printed objects, and some of the equipment that is available for users to borrow, such as cameras, lighting and voice recorders. In addition to a screenshot of one of the resources being demonstrated during the Poster & Demo Session, there is a photo looking up at the grand gothic interior of the Aula Maxima, and the Ogham Stones standing like paladin in the cloisters of the north-wing of the Quadrangle. The final photo is a panoramic wide-angle view looking up at the tree covered cliff-face taken from the verdant bank of the River Lee - the Quadrangle building, which sits atop the cliff is obscured by trees and shrubs.

Note from welcome/opening: The true value of DH is home to roost, where new tech meets old. Much like in the 5th century when ogham (on sticks) and writing (on stone) clashed together. Ogham is different in 2D, it is only now that we can capture in 3D that we can capture the true thing in digital form.

Poignant footsteps on the way to discuss inclusivity: After walking past the ogham stones that flank the corridor like paladin guards, I stepped over some chalk graffiti on the floor by the doorway on the way to Session 1B in the West Wing. Much like at other universities, Students had set-up camp in UCC’s Quad in peaceful protest over links to Israel and in support of Palestine.

7) Experiences

Image: Nine small photos that capture experiential aspects of the trip. In the top-left, a photo of a well-used laminated number "2" - in-lieu of a computerised system at a fast-food restaurant. A photo of a shallow weir that steps the course of the the River Lee, upstream to the left the water is dark and calm, reflecting the buildings that overlook the river, but the water downstream to the right is so lively and white with bubbles that there are no reflections. In the top-right a photo shows a variety of different filing cabinets grouped together in a fenced-off area, a safety sign on the fence warns against unauthorised entry and the protection that must be worn - Maybe the filing cabinets bite? On the left, a photo shows a large pine tree with lanky branches looms over the river and its bank. The central photo shows a rambling creamy-white dog-rose surrounding a bus stop shelter with its scent as a bus approaches. To the right there is a photo of a pint of Beamish Black on a pub table. In the bottom-left corner a photo of the river shows a blending conditions - in some areas there are bright green river weeds pointing in the direction of the flow, but in other areas the fluffy white clouds are reflected from the surface, but there are many tiny eddies and ripples in the current that cause much blurring between the areas. The next photo shows a green and gold "Luxury Soft" tissue box that advertises the soothing strength of the tissues contained. In the bottom-right, a photo looks out from my hotel room onto a scruffy "wild" abandoned space between it and the next building, on which can be seen many alterations and crumbling brick-work.


9) The journey home

Image: A group of four photos relating to the journey home to Cambridge. The top-left is black and white image showing the view of Cork from the plane window, the location of my hotel is marked with a white "hotel" icon and the outline of the Quad and Aula Maxima at UCC is highlighted by fine white lines drawn onto the photo. The top-right photo shows a view  of the mouth of the Bristol Channel from the plane, the Gower Peninsular pokes into the bottom-left corner, and the North Devon coast stretches along the upper half of the image, stretching out to the top-right corner, where Woolacombe Beach can just about be made-out. The bottom-left image is a screenshot from Google maps that shows the location of the plane as it flew over Hampshire, where I grew-up. Through the cloud, one of Thames' trademark grey meanders near Hammersmith appears as the plane begins to descend over London in the bottom-right photo.

This post has been funded by the AHRC-RLUK Professional Practice Fellowship Scheme for research and academic libraries.